Friday, January 28, 2011

E.C.A Stack to help melt the fat

The E.C.A stacks or ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine stacks are some of the most effective thermo genics ever developed. They work by raising your metabolic rate and starting thermo genesis. Or in other words your body is warm due to the fact that it is using stimulants to raise your activity levels and everything. So if they are so good why is it so hard to find ephedrine based products on the market? There is a two fold answer to this question the first part is liability due to abuse. The federal government was even considering legislation against ephedrine not too long ago. It's the old adage "If one pill is good..." This is the worst attitude to have especially if you are not in good shape. An overdose can cause a panic type problem in most people which in obese people could cause a heart attack. The second cause for concern was the fact that the meth dealers use this to make their product. That is why you have to show your ID every time you want sudafed for a cold or something. Even with all these problems it is still sold. But most companies choose to use a replacement stimulant in the place of ephedrine. Even though they replace it with a different ingredient it still has an impressive response in the body. My suggestion is to add them with the supplements that I suggest in my article the supplement trifecta to help kindle the fat burning furnace.

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